Kalí provides a warm and professional approach for the treatment of common mental health and physical issues.

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  • Anxiety & Phobias
  • Pain Management
  • Relationship & Communication Issues
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Mood Disorders
  • Stress Management
  • Self Esteem & Confidence Issues
  • Personal Development & Performance Enhancement
  • Pregnancy & Childbirth Preparation
  • Female Sexual Health Issues


  • Anxiety & Mood Disorders
  • Bullying
  • Self Harm
  • Self Esteem/Confidence Issues
  • Nightmares & Sleep Disorders
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Trauma related issues
  • Chronic health issues

Kalí uses a variety of psychological techniques for effective treatment specialising in hypnosis.


Hypnosis is a technique used to deal with deeply embedded issues. Hypnosis works with an altered state of mind through deep relaxation working with the subconscious mind through suggestions, visualisation and positive programming to achieve positive changes. Whilst under hypnosis your ability to respond to positive suggestion increases so it is a very effective treatment technique. Hypnosis can provide you with valuable techniques to manage your difficulties in your everyday life.


Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis to treat many psychological and medical problems. Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective technique when administered by a fully qualified and experienced hypnotherapist. It is a pleasant technique used to access deeply embedded behaviours and emotions, allowing you to let go of negative habits and feelings stopping you from achieving your goals and functioning at your most optimum level.


Psychotherapy is the treatment used to deal with psychological issues and well being. In psychotherapy you learn about the way your thoughts, your feelings, and your behaviours that affect your mood and daily interactions. Through psychotherapy you can learn how to deal with life’s challenges in a more positive and healthy manner. Kali’s psychotherapy approach is eclectic, combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness and Hypnosis techniques.

Kalí Alfaro

Kalí is an experienced psychologist that focuses on hypnosis. She has a Master in Health Psychology and has undertaken years of ongoing study of hypnosis in Australia, Chile, Canada and USA.

Kalí has successfully worked in private practice, community settings, intensive rehabilitation in hospitals, rural and Indigenous mental health, and educational settings.

Kalí practises in both English and Spanish and is committed to helping people through life’s challenges in creative and effective ways.

Read More About Kalí Alfaro